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Not all content on the GlobalScot platform is long-form articles, web pages and news stories. Sometimes, a piece of content will be as short as a button, notification or error message.

When it comes to writing microcopy, these are our key principles:

Getting the information you need

Before you write microcopy, it’s important you understand the context of what you’re writing. To do this, you’ll need to ask questions, and probably lots of them. Work with designers, product teams and developers to get a clearer understanding of the message you need to give to users.

Here are a few things you might want to consider for different types of microcopy.


Form fields

Validation text


Error messages

Some of the most useful questions you can ask when writing microcopy is ‘What happens if…’ and ‘Could there be a scenario where…’. Try to think of every possibility for the user, and write copy that will help them.