- Pre-alpha
Scot Export Event
- Nov 12th 2019, at the Glasgow Technology Innovation Centre
- Circa 350 Exporters or people looking to export
We were focusing on
- Globalscot awareness
- Globalscot past experiences
- Globalscot sentiment
What we discovered
- People have a reasonably high awareness of GlobalScot (in this audience)
- They are not always accurate in what they think GlobalScot is
- They often hear about GlobalScot through existing SDI interactions
- Actual usage levels are quite low
- People find it takes a long time to access
- QUOTE: “It is a very manual process”
- People only use the website when they want to use the network. (Earlier access might have prepared them better)
- The web site appears dated
- QUOTE: “It looks like a 10 year old website”