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> Interview and test with Community organisations and Third sector
What we did
- Testing sessions with customers in the Third sector and Community organisations in the South of Scotland, some Face to Face and some Skype sessions
- Testing with internal Staff and SoSEP partners (week starting 24/02 and after)
- Testing the content and navigation with customers from the Third sector and Community organisations directly
- Testing the content and navigation with internal Staff and SoSEP partners as proxy users for Businesses
- Assessing the transistions from the SoSE website to Find Business Support for service enquiries and events
- Testing the contact us page and web form to make an enquiry
Summary of findings of the research with communities
- During consultations last year, a dispersed support approach was presented ( = not one big town hub, but lots of smaller hubs very local so people can go for advice near where they are). All participants were keen to see a page on the website with the list and addresses of the small hubs – people want to speak to someone, they prefer face to face and local people
- Some said they don’t go on social media and wanted news on the website. They want to see the website frequently updated, and saying what’s to come
- All were very interested by Borderland Inclusive Growth deal and would like the text refering to this to be a link
- Environment is one of the key goals of SoSE, it’s not mentioned enough in the content, especially on the homepage for the vision
- Find Business Support (FBS) was quickly understood, they liked the layout, and the format of the content for the services
- All impressed with a 2 days response SLA and they understand it’s an initial response
- The form tested ok. 3 out 4 felt the ‘Are you trading?’ question was not appropriate, but at the same time, they could all use the form. (We will re-test with a different form, without the ‘Are you trading’ question)
- They all serve as a relay between the various agencies and the small businesses, they are dedicated and motivated
- There is a strong need for networking opportunities