User needs high-level
They come from previous research done for:
- MyAccount (name of the project last time we worked on an account space - May 2019)
- Funding project work
- International Networks work which needed an account space
Make it clear
- UN1: I expect you to talk to me in plain English, so that I understand what I need to do - avoid jargon
Only ask once
- UN2: I don’t expect you to ask me for information you already have, so that I don’t waste my time repeating information
Keep in touch
- UN3: I expect you to keep in touch with me, so that I know where I am in the process
Build my confidence and set expectations
- UN4: I expect you to tell me what you need me to do, how to do it, when to do it and what will happen next, so that I don’t miss any deadlines in the process, I’m confident I’m doing the right thing and know what to expect
- UN4.1: I want an easy way of finding out if I can get SE support, so that I don’t waste my time applying if I can’t
- UN4.2: As a customer, I want my application and documents to be reviewed by someone from SE before I submit them so that I’m confident I’ve provided the right information / documents and use the right terms (language)
- UN4.3: I need to know how long a process will take so that I’m confident the process is going on as planned and don’t need to contact you for reassurance
Relevant to me
- UN5.1: Use the information you already have about me to provide me with relevant information
- UN5.2: As a customer, I want to get specific support, advice or case studies relevant to my company
- UN5.3: As an internal staff, I want to use the information we already have about the customer / company to improve our support
Security of my data
- UN6: Being sure that my personal data and company data are handled
- UN6.1: As a customer I want to share data like credit card details and commercial information online and securely (instead of emails for example) so that I feel safe doing so
- UN6.2: As a customer I want my data to be safe from the moment I provide it up to the point where you use it, store it and delete it so that I can trust you with my data
- UN6.3: As a customer, I want identifiable data I share with you to be passed securely only to the right person so that I feel confident about sharing it
Contact me in a way that works for me / not only a website or portal
- UN7: I expect to be able to contact SE in a way I choose, so that I can get answers to my questions in a timely manner
- UN7.1: Maintain human contact: As a customer I want to be able to talk to a person who can help me so that I can interact directly instead of facing a screen or a recorded message on a phone
- UN7.2: Get offline help - As a user, I want to be able to get in touch even when I don’t have internet access
Manage my access / companies
- UN8: As a customer who work for multiple companies I want to be able to access each company via a different account so that I keep them separate
- UN9: As a Global company I need more than one person to have access to the account so that each can do what is needed depending on their role in the company
Single view of the customer / company
- UN10: As an SE staff I want to see a single and consistent view of the user so that I have all the information and facts and can take the best course of action for them
- UN10.1: As an SE staff I want to see a single and consistent view of the user contacts with SE across channels so that I have all the information and facts and can take the best course of action for them
- UN10.2: As an SE staff I want to see a single view of the user projects and action plans so that I have can take the best course of action for them
- UN10.3: As an internal staff I want to avoid duplicate information and accounts so that I’m more efficient
- UN10.4: As an internal staff I want to be able to track changes in the data we have against an account (who changed it + when + what it was before) So that I can audit and contact the relevant person if there is a problem or take required action.
- UN10.5: As a customer I want to be able to track changes of the data in my an account (who changed it + when + what it was before) So that I can be confident it’s up to date and safe
ID and Verification
- UN11: As an internal staff I want to be able to ID and verify a customer is who they say they are so that I can provide them the service they are entitled to
- UN12: As an internal staff I want to be able ID and verify a company exists and has been checked so that I can be sure that SE can provide a service to them
- UN12.1: As an internal staff I want to access other sources of data like Company House, Orbis, HMRC so that I can ID&V a company
- UN13: As a customer I want to be able to be verified seamlessly and proportionately depending on the service I’m applying for so that I feel it’s a legitimate asked from and trust the service is safe
Various due diligence checks
- UN14: As an internal staff I want to be able do all the due diligence checks and record them against the customer account
Last updated: 30 Nov 2023