- Heuristics (A growing list collated from everywhere)
- Stuff we have learned
- The A11Y project
- GOVUK Resources
- mygov.scot Accessiblity
- Accessibility reviews, a community-driven resource to both find and share information on the accessibility of tools, services, platforms
- Google devs
- Assisted Digital (GOVUK)
- Inclusive Design principles by Heydon Pickering, Léonie Watson, Henny Swan, Ian Pouncey
- Essential digital skills framework - Digital skills adults need to safely benefit from, participate in and contribute to the digital world
- Accessiblity Scotland
Videos of people with disabilities using tech
- Axess Lab - Videos of people with disabilities using tech
- Screen reader demo
- How Blind People Use YouTube & Twitter on the iPhone
Examples of good practices
- About access information to a venue Global Diversity CFP day events, see a screenshot
- W3C - How to make your presentations accessible
- Accessible Co-design by Olivia Labattaglia (PDF)
Last updated: 09 Jan 2020