
Funding Services

SIB Aug 5th 2020 Alpha/Beta Research

Phase: Alpha/Beta



What we discovered

💡multi file upload design
Users were very clear how to upload documents to this page
The file upload process was easy, user friendly and intuitive for users
Majority of users found linking the file uploaded to the evidence required easy
Text attached to the evidence options would have made it clearer for users who were confused
70% of users could easily remove evidence when it had been uploaded, 30% could not or were unclear whether they had done it or not

🧰 We Changed

Change the options from number to text, corresponding to the evidence detailed above, or number the text options. This will make the link between document and corresponding evidence clearer to users.
Consider user suggestions to include information on file types and sizes accepted and a confirmation pop up to confirm file removal, ex. “are you sure you want to remove this file?”