
Funding Services

February Discovery Research

Phase: Discovery


What we discovered

Learning Area
💡 Claims & Permissions wireframes  
• We Learnt: small companies have staff that cover many roles General
• We Learnt: Companies thought the roles and permissions model made sense. The language might need to be altered. Language
• We Learnt: Companies often have their entire financial information in a package such as SAGE Accounts. They will dump it down to a spreadsheet when necessary. General
💡 My Account & Claims wireframes  
• We Learnt: Make CALL TO ACTION more obvious. Layout/ Design
• We Learnt: One main call to action is all that is needed Layout/ Design
• We Learnt: Confirmation dialogues need to be way more obvious Notifications/ Alerts
• We Learnt: Users do not like negative language such as ‘REJECT’. It is a bit scary clicking a button with that on it. Language
💡 Multi User journey wireframes  
• We Learnt: users thought our process made sense Sentiment
💡 My Action Plan wireframes  
• We Learnt: It is still too much about SE and not enough about me Sentiment
• We Learnt: users were confused about this being for a single project action plan or for their entire business. Sentiment/ Complexity
• We Learnt: Users did not welcome anything that did not add value or save them time Sentiment
• We Learnt: users were unsure what the plan would do for them Sentiment
💡 Claims sketched wireframes  
• We Learnt: the whole process is back to front Layout/ Design
• We Learnt: RECONCILIATION is something that we need. Users want to claim against an expense and then PROVE it if needed. General