
Funding Services

SIB June 4th 2020 Alpha/Beta Research

Phase: Alpha/Beta



What we discovered

Learning Area
💡 SIB product online application form  
Overall the questions are clear, straightforward and easy to understand language
Overall the questions are what is expected from a funding application expectations
As with previous round of testing users find sectors list needs an ‘other’ option as the list is not exhaustive  
Continued confusion over meaning of ‘sanction restricted person’ language
Explanation sought over what is meant by a ‘high growth’ and ‘innovative’ company language

🧰 We Changed

Considering: adding ‘other’ option to sectors question

🗣 Quotes

“It was pretty clear and all broken down to help me understand what was required.”
“Clearly laid out and easy to understand. The questions gave all definitions where needed and I was able to follow and mentally answer each one.”
“I would need to understand some of the criteria a little more in order to be able to answer yes or no - for example the questions about high growth and innovation”.
“The questions were clear, but would need some research on my part”.
“I don’t know what a “sanctions restricted person” is”.
“Business sectors offered do not include all activities, including those of my company”.
“I’ve never filled out a funding application form like this before, but it did all make sense at least!”