
Funding Services

SIB June 8th 2020 Alpha/Beta Research

Phase: Alpha/Beta



What we discovered

💡 Wireframes for the new SIB product online application form
This process compares very positively to users experiences of other funding applications
All users could easily navigate & complete the form, submit, review and sign in
Creating an account was an issue
Evidence section needs to more explicitly state that as long as all of the information is included, it doesn’t need to be in individual documents
Users want to see a full list of documents needed in before you apply, especially ones that need filled in, such as economic impact/business plan
Some issues of clarity remain where users ideally want more definition/ examples

🧰 We Changed

Evidence - emphasise if info is uploaded in another document you don’t need to duplicate it. Add to the backlog to explore alternative patterns, including possible single upload option alongside list of requirements. Tell the user up front what documents are needed.
Company director - move question from declarations to eligibility. Add text to question in Contact Details stating they must be a director as registered on Companies House.
HMRC question – explain outstanding payments don’t include any COVID-19 related payment break agreed with HMRC.
Account sign-up process – add to the backlog for changes, explore alternative patterns for example reveal the password fields after the verification code is complete.
Add definition of ‘sanctions restricted person’. Consider adding examples of capital expenditure and working capital.
Set expectations at review page, what is the next stage and how long will it take.