
Funding Services

SIB June 15th 2020 Alpha/Beta Research

Phase: Alpha/Beta



What we discovered

💡 *SIB Frontier Fund online application
The eligibility questions are the type of questions users expect from a funding application. They are very clear and easy to understand.
Users would be able to answer every question except one person who was unsure what PERF was.
The majority of users would find this form easy to fill in if they were applying on behalf of their company.

🎧 Quotes

“Very clear questions, simple response formats. Succinct definitions about terms (e.g. micro business etc.).”
“Simple questions. Clear spacing. Concepts explained. all easy!”
“The questions have a very good explanation for each term and are written in language that’s easy to understand.”
“I would be able to answer most questions on my own or seek the help of my company accountant in order to complete anything I didn’t understand.”