
Funding Services

FUND Application wireframe (green jobs) March




Research Questions
Do users understand what the different types of evidence are and what they would provide? Is it clear who’s eligible for the call? 
Is it clear what kind of projects the call could support? 
Is the claims content useful and would users want to know more before applying? 
Did users find it useful to know what factors we’ll consider when reviewing applications? 
Is there anything that’s unclear or missing? Anything users would have liked to know more about? 
Is the language clear/do we use any unfamiliar terms? 
Did you notice the postcode checker? If so, was it clear why this was provided?

What we discovered

💡 Learning
Language is clear
The page is too content-heavy – users struggle to take in all of the information
The information about claims needs to be higher up on the page
Users need more clarity about what a green job is – some examples would be helpful
The postcode checker is clear, but we need to ensure it’s clear what to do if you aren’t in the Scottish Enterprise area


Investigate using accordions to make the content on the page easier to digest
Move the claims section higher up the page
Add some examples of what a green job is
Link off to similar services in the HIE/SoSE areas so businesses in those areas don’t hit a dead end


2021_03_04_PLAYBACK_Green Jobs.pptx