Analytics on the COVID page Monday 25 January :: Analytics
Early analytics for the Coronavirus advice page fresh re-design
Sources of traffic
- Google (organic): 27%
- Direct traffic: 15%
- PWA (Progressive Web App):10%
Next page visited (% pageviews)
- Browse support: 45%
- Strategic Framework Business Fund: 16%
- Self-employment Income Support Scheme: 7%
Note: ‘Browse support’ can be reach via 3 different ways: top navigation and 3 buttons taking you to that page with filters preset for covid.
What accordion links have been clicked on the most
- If you have business premises: 24%
- If you are self employed: 22%
- Search all available funding: 18%
Comparing bounce rates between Sunday 24 and Monday 25
- Sunday 24 January: 41%
- Monday 25 January: 24%
It’s too early to start looking at trends since the new changes have only been live for less than 24 hours. But it might be of interest to note:
- 60% of visitors left FBS once they got to the ‘old’ advice page
- For the ‘new’ page, this has dropped to 32%.
The lower percentage could mean visitors are more likely to stay on FBS. Warning: The fact that it’s a Sunday compared to Monday might add other factors than just the redesign.
Check the data yourself
Reminder: You can check the Data Studio dashboard to see the analytics