In 2021:
- We have too many products and this confuses people
- 29 Small grant products
- 8 Large Grant products
- And other non grant products
- We have too many products to advise on. Our people can’t be experts in that many things.
- Our product manual (Listing) is 72 pages long.
- We have 29 product guides each of which is circa 8 pages long
- There are too Many Forms
- Application forms vary between 4 and 26 pages long
- Products vary over time but the genral theme holds true
- Products are in the process of being rationalised during 2021-2022
- Different specialisms may only deal with a subset of these products and be experts in them
- Opportunity Management means that Opportunity Managers, need to have at least a working knowledge, of all products
Supporting reports and other sources
- Advantage Lab findings
Tags (keywords)
- Products
- Complexity
- Noise
- Learning